Artificial Intelligence Solutions
& ML Services

Transforming your data into actionable insights, streamlining complex operations, and fostering a culture of continuous innovation with bespoke machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions. From predictive analytics to intelligent automation, we help businesses stay ahead in a rapidly evolving world.

  •  Work with in India Top 1% AI Experts
  • Strict NDA for Information Security
  • Flexible Engagement & Quick Onboarding
  • Agile/DevOps Enabled For Faster TTM
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Artificial Intelligence Solutions & ML Services
The Fastest-growing Company
The Fastest-growing CompanyDeloitte Technology Fast 50
CES Innovation Awards
CES Innovation AwardsSmart Home Category
Bizz Award
Bizz AwardBusiness Excellence Award
The Economic Times
The Economic TimesFuture Ready Organization
The Fastest-growing Company
The Fastest-growing CompanyDeloitte Technology Fast 50
CES Innovation Awards
CES Innovation AwardsSmart Home Category

Discover Hidden Brains through Client Success Stories

Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial
Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial
Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Chris Folayan Testimonial
Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial
Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial
Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Chris Folayan Testimonial
Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial
Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial
Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA

Advanced Artificial Intelligence Solutions for Modern Challenges

In an ever-evolving business landscape, enterprises face a myriad of unique challenges. Hidden Brains’ Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions are expertly designed to tackle these complexities, offering innovative and efficient pathways to success for businesses worldwide.

Cybersecurity Threats

As cyber threats evolve, businesses need sophisticated protection. Hidden Brains' AI/ML-driven cybersecurity solutions proactively identify and mitigate potential threats, ensuring robust security and safeguarding valuable data.


Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Making informed decisions in uncertain environments is challenging. Our AI/ML models provide deep insights into various scenarios, helping businesses make more informed, data-driven decisions even in uncertain conditions.


Scalability and Flexibility Challenges

Scaling business operations effectively while maintaining flexibility is a major challenge. Our solutions adapt to changing business needs, supporting growth without compromising on performance or efficiency.


Talent Acquisition and Retention

Hidden Brains' AI/ML solutions assist in streamlining the recruitment process, identifying the best candidates, and analyzing workforce data to improve retention strategies and employee satisfaction.


Data Overload and Management

Hidden Brains' AI/ML solutions help in efficiently managing, processing, and analyzing this data to derive actionable insights, leading to smarter business decisions and enhanced operational efficiency.


Predicting Market Trends

Our Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Solutions offer advanced predictive analytics, enabling businesses to anticipate market shifts and consumer behaviors, and strategically plan for future developments.


Customer Experience & Personalization

Our solutions utilize AI-driven analytics to understand customer preferences and behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their services and products, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Operational Inefficiencies

Our Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Solutions can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and optimize supply chains, leading to increased productivity and reduced operational costs.


Cybersecurity Threats

As cyber threats evolve, businesses need sophisticated protection. Hidden Brains' AI/ML-driven cybersecurity solutions proactively identify and mitigate potential threats, ensuring robust security and safeguarding valuable data.


Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Making informed decisions in uncertain environments is challenging. Our AI/ML models provide deep insights into various scenarios, helping businesses make more informed, data-driven decisions even in uncertain conditions.


Scalability and Flexibility Challenges

Scaling business operations effectively while maintaining flexibility is a major challenge. Our solutions adapt to changing business needs, supporting growth without compromising on performance or efficiency.


Talent Acquisition and Retention

Hidden Brains' AI/ML solutions assist in streamlining the recruitment process, identifying the best candidates, and analyzing workforce data to improve retention strategies and employee satisfaction.


Data Overload and Management

Hidden Brains' AI/ML solutions help in efficiently managing, processing, and analyzing this data to derive actionable insights, leading to smarter business decisions and enhanced operational efficiency.


Predicting Market Trends

Our Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Solutions offer advanced predictive analytics, enabling businesses to anticipate market shifts and consumer behaviors, and strategically plan for future developments.


Customer Experience & Personalization

Our solutions utilize AI-driven analytics to understand customer preferences and behavior, allowing businesses to tailor their services and products, thus enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Operational Inefficiencies

Our Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Solutions can automate routine tasks, streamline workflows, and optimize supply chains, leading to increased productivity and reduced operational costs.


Grow Your Business Today

Join 500+ Enterprises Transformed by Our AI & ML Expertise - Experience Growth, Innovation, and Efficiency Like Never Before!

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Core Technologies

    Our Portfolio for Artificial Intelligence Solutions

    Our portfolio of artificial intelligence solutions showcases a diverse range of topics, each tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. From enhancing operational efficiency to driving innovation, our work stands as a testament to our expertise and commitment to excellence.
    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Unlock the Power of Your Company's AI Transformation

    Embark on a transformative journey with our Private AI Assistant, a Proof of Concept (POC) that demonstrates the seamless integration of Mistral 7b LLM into your organizational framework.

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    AI & ML Development Services

    Hidden Brains' expertise in AI software development encompasses designing smarter products for businesses, giving them a competitive edge. Our team of skilled AI developers, data scientists, and engineers are dedicated to harnessing cutting-edge AI & ML technologies to provide solutions that not only automate and optimize processes but also foster innovation and growth.
    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Generative AI

    Leverage the transformative force of Generative AI to create novel content in text, images, or music. Our Generative AI services cover

    • ChatGPT for interactive chatbots
    •  DALL-E Imaginative image generation
    •  Advancement in large language models
    • Midjourney for groundbreaking digital art
    •  Development of transformer models
    • Deep Learning and Neural Networks

    Natural Language Processing

    Ensuring a seamless interaction between computers and human language. Our extensive range of NLP services comprises

    • Natural Language Understanding
    • Contextual Information Analysis
    • Audio Analyzer and Speech Insights
    • Sentiment & Syntactic Analysis
    • Statistical NLP
    • Intent Classification

    Data Engineering

    Considered fundamental of AI/ML projects, our Data engineering services include aspects of data preparation and management.

    • Data mining
    • Data processing and visualization
    • Recommendation
    • Statistical modeling 
    • Advanced data analytics
    • Advanced data analytics

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Enterprise AI Consulting Services

    We assist businesses in implementing AI strategies and solutions tailored to their needs. Our AI & ML Consulting services encompass

    • AI readiness and maturity assessment
    • Implementation roadmap
    • Prototype development
    • Comprehensive data understanding and discovery

    Computer Vision

    Interpretation and comprehension of images and videos with Computer vision. Our wide-ranging computer vision services encompass

    • Precise object detection and tracking
    • Facial recognition 
    • AI-driven 3D modeling
    • Expertise in CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)
    • Advanced image and video processing
    • Cutting-edge optical design modeling

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    Streamline operations by automating manual tasks through software solutions. Our RPA services include

    • Expert RPA consulting
    • Smooth RPA integration
    • Efficient RPA implementation services
    • Tailored solution development and seamless integration

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    Streamline operations by automating manual tasks through software solutions. Our RPA services include

    • Expert RPA consulting
    • Smooth RPA integration
    • Efficient RPA implementation services
    • Tailored solution development and seamless integration

    Generative AI

    Leverage the transformative force of Generative AI to create novel content in text, images, or music. Our Generative AI services cover

    • ChatGPT for interactive chatbots
    •  DALL-E Imaginative image generation
    •  Advancement in large language models
    • Midjourney for groundbreaking digital art
    •  Development of transformer models
    • Deep Learning and Neural Networks

    Natural Language Processing

    Ensuring a seamless interaction between computers and human language. Our extensive range of NLP services comprises

    • Natural Language Understanding
    • Contextual Information Analysis
    • Audio Analyzer and Speech Insights
    • Sentiment & Syntactic Analysis
    • Statistical NLP
    • Intent Classification

    Data Engineering

    Considered fundamental of AI/ML projects, our Data engineering services include aspects of data preparation and management.

    • Data mining
    • Data processing and visualization
    • Recommendation
    • Statistical modeling 
    • Advanced data analytics
    • Advanced data analytics

    Enterprise AI Consulting Services

    We assist businesses in implementing AI strategies and solutions tailored to their needs. Our AI & ML Consulting services encompass

    • AI readiness and maturity assessment
    • Implementation roadmap
    • Prototype development
    • Comprehensive data understanding and discovery

    Computer Vision

    Interpretation and comprehension of images and videos with Computer vision. Our wide-ranging computer vision services encompass

    • Precise object detection and tracking
    • Facial recognition 
    • AI-driven 3D modeling
    • Expertise in CNN (Convolutional Neural Network)
    • Advanced image and video processing
    • Cutting-edge optical design modeling

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    Streamline operations by automating manual tasks through software solutions. Our RPA services include

    • Expert RPA consulting
    • Smooth RPA integration
    • Efficient RPA implementation services
    • Tailored solution development and seamless integration

    Generative AI

    Leverage the transformative force of Generative AI to create novel content in text, images, or music. Our Generative AI services cover

    • ChatGPT for interactive chatbots
    •  DALL-E Imaginative image generation
    •  Advancement in large language models
    • Midjourney for groundbreaking digital art
    •  Development of transformer models
    • Deep Learning and Neural Networks

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Empower Your Business with Advanced AI & ML Solutions Transform Your Operations and Drive Unprecedented Growth!

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    Driving Business Innovation with Superior AI & ML Platforms

    Our platforms are designed to not just meet, but anticipate and shape the future needs of businesses across the globe. Experience a new era of digital intelligence, crafted to propel your business towards a smarter, more efficient tomorrow.

    Empower your AI tasks with TensorFlow's deep learning competencies, paving the manner for solutions in numerous applications.

    Leverage the potential of records with Scikit-research, a device learning library tailored for both beginners & specialists.

    Enhance your information evaluation with SciPy, providing fundamental algorithms for scientific computing for optimization.

    Seamlessly build AI-driven chatbots and digital assistants using RASA, the open-source platform for conversational AI.

    Get the computational power of languages like C and Fortran to Python with NumPy the cornerstone of numerical computing.

    The Natural Language Toolkit, simplifying NLP duties, making textual content analysis and language processing effective and efficient.

    Boost AI with Xgboost, a scalable, distributed gradient-boosted decision tree (GBDT) for regression, classification & ranking

    Considered as one of the most accurate open-source OCR engines Tesseract is an OCR engine for various operating systems.

    Obtain lightning-fast correct textual content processing with spaCy, the pass-to NLP library for diverse types of applications.

    Flask, is a lightweight Python-based web framework to improve scalable, green AI program effects.

    Streamline complex AI projects with Django, the excessive-degree Python net framework that is well-equipped with robust features.

    Simplify AI model improvement and deployment on Microsoft's cloud-based platform, Azure to manage high-quality models faster.

    Harness advanced cognitive talents with IBM Watson, handing over AI and gadget mastering solutions to empower your commercial enterprise.

    Choice of Flexibility With ML Platforms

    Choose from TensorFlow, PyTorch, ONNX, and other popular frameworks to experiment with and customize machine learning algorithms.

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Google AutoML

    Cloud AutoML is a suite of machine learning products that enables developers with limited machine learning expertise to train high-quality models specific to their business needs.

    AWS SageMaker

    A fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly.

    Azure ML

    Our Azure Machine Learning consulting and deployment can be used for any kind of machine learning, from classical ML to deep learning, supervised, and unsupervised learning.

    IBM Watson Studio

    Integrated environment designed for data scientists, developers, and business analysts to offer data science services & tools as well as deploy robust machine learning models.

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Experience the Transformational Impact of 

     AI & ML Partner with Hidden Brains for Next-Level Business Success!

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    Our Commitment to Creating Responsible Artificial Intelligence Solutions

    Hidden Brains has established a comprehensive framework for responsible AI that guides our actions and decisions in this rapidly evolving field. We are deeply committed to the responsible development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies according to ethical and societal considerations.

    We adhere to core ethical principles governing our AI initiatives. We strive to ensure that AI systems respect principles of transparency, fairness, accountability, and privacy.

    We strive to make our AI systems transparent, providing clear explanations of functioning and decision-making. We are also dedicated to making AI systems easy for non-experts.

    We have established governance mechanisms, and adhere to laws & best practices for our AI projects, including clear lines of responsibility for the development of Artificial Intelligence Solutions.

    As an Artificial Intelligence Services Company, we take strong measures to safeguard the data we collect and use for AI development services. We are also committed to complying with data protection regulations.

    Responsible AI is an ongoing commitment in AI & ML services. We continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of our Artificial Intelligence solutions and adapt as needed. We invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of ethical AI technologies.

    Partnering with Visionary Businesses and Diverse Clientele

    Explore our proven track record of delivering artificial intelligence solutions services to diverse customer segments ranging from startups to large enterprises. Discover how we can assist you in achieving your business goals.

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


    From ambitious entrepreneurs to VC-funded ventures, we have supported startups in their technological journey, helping them transform ideas into reality.  

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

    Product Companies

    We have partnered with product-focused businesses, assisting them in developing and enhancing their web design & development  Services to meet market demands and stay ahead of the competition.

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


    Collaborating with digital agencies, we have contributed to the creation of captivating digital experiences, leveraging our expertise to deliver innovative and impactful solutions that engage and inspire. 

    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


    Our extensive experience working with large enterprises enables us to provide scalable web applications that handle high volumes of traffic, large data sets, and complex business processes, ensuring optimal performance.


    happy clients

    Commendation received from Mr. Christopher Creel

    Meet Christopher Creel, the tech visionary behind some of the most transformative innovations in the USA. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Layr, an AI-powered cloud platform that's reshaping the insurance industry. With a knack for turning complex processes into seamless digital experiences, Christopher has also co-founded Rialtic, elevating healthcare technology to new heights. He's been awarded 13 patents throughout his illustrious career, including prestigious recognitions like the HP Star Award and the Perot Inventors Award. Notably, he's received a fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, showcasing his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

    Mr. Christopher Creel
    Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial Video
    Commendation received from Mr. Chris Folayan

    Meet Chris Folayan, the visionary Founder of OCFX INC, a California-based powerhouse that has left an indelible mark on the business landscape. With a portfolio of accolades and awards, Chris embodies excellence as an entrepreneur. Beyond the boardroom, he's a celebrated author, a guiding mentor, and an inspiring speaker. As a CEO, Board Advisor, and Consultant, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to the table, shaping the future of organizations. Explore his remarkable journey with Hidden Brains.

    Mr. Chris Folayan
    California, USA
    Mr. Chris Folayan TestimonialVideo
    Commendation received from Mr. Michael Amaldhas

    It’s been an awesome experience working with Hidden Brains for many years on B2B and B2C application development. It’s great to work with such a talented, dedicated and hardworking team, we value our Partnership with Hidden Brains. I wish them all best!!

    Mr. Michael Amaldhas
    Los Angeles, USA
    Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial Video
    Commendation received from Mr. Talal Benlahsen

    Working with Hidden Brains was an amazing adventure and thanks to them I could see my projects coming to reality I can simply say that they were reliable and could understand the business. It's a company I would rely on for my future projects.

    Mr. Talal Benlahsen
    Mr. Talal Benlahsen TestimonialVideo
    Commendation received from Mr. Anthony Nowlan

    Meet Anthony Nowlan, the creative mind behind groundbreaking innovations in the world of jewelry technology. Hailing from the vibrant Queensland, Australia, Anthony is the Director at Evotech Pacific. He is a qualified bench jeweler & gemologist. His expertise lies in revolutionizing the jewelry industry through cutting-edge technology, with a strong focus on CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) and Rapid Prototyping. As a true Jewelry Technology Innovator, Anthony's work not only dazzles but also reshapes the way we think about jewelry craftsmanship.

    Mr. Anthony Nowlan
    Queensland, Australia
    Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial Video
    Commendation received from Mr. Christopher Creel

    Meet Christopher Creel, the tech visionary behind some of the most transformative innovations in the USA. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Layr, an AI-powered cloud platform that's reshaping the insurance industry. With a knack for turning complex processes into seamless digital experiences, Christopher has also co-founded Rialtic, elevating healthcare technology to new heights. He's been awarded 13 patents throughout his illustrious career, including prestigious recognitions like the HP Star Award and the Perot Inventors Award. Notably, he's received a fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, showcasing his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

    Mr. Christopher Creel
    Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial Video
    Commendation received from Mr. Chris Folayan

    Meet Chris Folayan, the visionary Founder of OCFX INC, a California-based powerhouse that has left an indelible mark on the business landscape. With a portfolio of accolades and awards, Chris embodies excellence as an entrepreneur. Beyond the boardroom, he's a celebrated author, a guiding mentor, and an inspiring speaker. As a CEO, Board Advisor, and Consultant, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to the table, shaping the future of organizations. Explore his remarkable journey with Hidden Brains.

    Mr. Chris Folayan
    California, USA
    Mr. Chris Folayan TestimonialVideo

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

    Your Queries, Our Answers: Transparent Communication at Hidden Brains

    AI can be defined as the intelligence exhibited by machines, especially computer systems. In the past, AI has been used to refer to human intelligence displayed by computers. Artificial Intelligence Solutions are now being considered in a more general way: as an ability of machines to display intelligent behavior in various forms. AI is sometimes confused with machine learning, but these are really different disciplines.

    Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows computers to learn without being explicitly programmed. This means that instead of telling the computer exactly what to do, we tell it what we want it to achieve and then let it figure out how to get there. This can be incredibly useful because AI is able to work with huge amounts of data much more efficiently than humans could.

    Strong artificial intelligence solutions are able to learn from their experiences, interact with people, and make decisions. Some features of strong AI systems include: 1) The ability to learn from their experiences 2) The ability to interact with people 3) The ability to make decisions on the behalf of humans; and 4) The tendency to not require a great deal of training in order for them to be capable.

    Just as with any other type of app, the cost for creating an AI app depends on a variety of factors. It's important to look at the entire picture, including how complex your idea is, what features you need from the AI, how many hours will be needed to complete the project, and how much you're willing to invest in the development process. It is difficult to give a good ballpark number for these types of projects without knowing project requirements. Contact the Hidden Brains team to discuss your Artificial learning & Machine learning solutions.

    AI is being used in a wide range of applications, from healthcare to customer service. In the near future, it will be embedded into our vehicles, homes, and workplaces.

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning are powerful tools that can help your business make smarter decisions, leverage more data, and automate tedious tasks.

    At Hidden Brains, we work with a number of different machine learning frameworks including

    • Tensorflow
    • ONNX
    • Pytorch
    • Keras
    • Google AutoML
    • AWS SageMaker
    • Azure ML
    • OpenVino
    • Intel DevCloud

    All of these frameworks have their own strengths and weaknesses. Some are better for computer vision applications while others are better for natural language processing.

    We find that the best way to decide which framework is best is to start by understanding your problem space as well as your engineering team's skillset.

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