Cloud & Infrastructure Services

At Hidden Brains, we don't just offer cloud services; we provide a launchpad for your business to soar into new heights of efficiency and innovation. Our bespoke cloud infrastructure solutions are designed to empower your business with agility, scalability, and unparalleled security. Experience a seamless digital transformation with our industry-leading expertise and state-of-the-art technology.

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Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
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CES Innovation AwardsSmart Home Category

Our Key Differentiators Transforms Your Cloud Journey

We understand the challenges you face and have crafted our services to not only address these pain points but also to propel your business forward. Discover the key differentiators that set us apart.

Uninterrupted Uptime and Reliability

We know that downtime is detrimental. Our robust infrastructure and proactive monitoring guarantee high availability and reliability, keeping your operations running smoothly around the clock.


Expert Guidance and Support

Navigating cloud technology can be complex. Our team of experts is always ready to offer guidance, support, and training, empowering your team to leverage cloud infrastructure effectively.


Innovative & Future-Ready Solutions

Staying ahead of the curve, we constantly innovate and update our solutions, ensuring your business is ready for future technological advancements.


Data Sovereignty & Localization

Managing legal and regulatory requirements related to where data is stored and processed, particularly in multinational operations.


Customized Scalability Solutions

We understand one size doesn't fit all. Our tailor-made scalability strategies ensure that your cloud infrastructure grows seamlessly with your business, avoiding costly over-provisioning or performance bottlenecks.


Advanced Security Protocols

With rising cyber threats, security is paramount. Our advanced security measures, including regular audits and compliance checks, protect your data and infrastructure from vulnerabilities, giving you peace of mind.


Cost-Effective Cloud Optimization

Tackling the challenge of spiraling costs, we employ sophisticated cost-optimization strategies. This approach ensures you only pay for what you need, maximizing your return on investment.


Seamless Integration

Our expertise lies in integrating cloud infrastructure with your existing systems smoothly, ensuring minimal disruption and maintaining business continuity.


Uninterrupted Uptime and Reliability

We know that downtime is detrimental. Our robust infrastructure and proactive monitoring guarantee high availability and reliability, keeping your operations running smoothly around the clock.


Expert Guidance and Support

Navigating cloud technology can be complex. Our team of experts is always ready to offer guidance, support, and training, empowering your team to leverage cloud infrastructure effectively.


Innovative & Future-Ready Solutions

Staying ahead of the curve, we constantly innovate and update our solutions, ensuring your business is ready for future technological advancements.


Data Sovereignty & Localization

Managing legal and regulatory requirements related to where data is stored and processed, particularly in multinational operations.


Customized Scalability Solutions

We understand one size doesn't fit all. Our tailor-made scalability strategies ensure that your cloud infrastructure grows seamlessly with your business, avoiding costly over-provisioning or performance bottlenecks.


Advanced Security Protocols

With rising cyber threats, security is paramount. Our advanced security measures, including regular audits and compliance checks, protect your data and infrastructure from vulnerabilities, giving you peace of mind.


Cost-Effective Cloud Optimization

Tackling the challenge of spiraling costs, we employ sophisticated cost-optimization strategies. This approach ensures you only pay for what you need, maximizing your return on investment.


Seamless Integration

Our expertise lies in integrating cloud infrastructure with your existing systems smoothly, ensuring minimal disruption and maintaining business continuity.


Elevate Your Data Game

Join 500+ satisfied clients who've transformed their businesses with our Data Engineering expertise.

Our Expertise in Cloud Infrastructure Services

At Hidden Brains, we are more than just a provider of cloud services; we are architects of cloud excellence. Our suite of services is designed to empower your business through every step of its cloud journey. Here's how our expertise stands out:

Cloud Consulting

Our expert consultants guide you through the complexities of the cloud landscape. We help you devise strategies that align with your business objectives, ensuring a cloud solution that is both efficient and effective.

Cloud Consulting
  • Cloud Strategy Development

  • Cloud Migration Planning

  • Architecture Design and Optimization

  • Security and Compliance Assessment

  • Cloud Cost Analysis and Reporting

  • Cloud Governance and Best Practices


Cloud Migration

Transitioning to the cloud is seamless with Hidden Brains. We specialize in migrating your data, applications, and workloads to the cloud with minimal disruption, ensuring a smooth, secure, and timely transition.

Cloud Migration
  • Assessment and Planning

  • Application Migration

  • Security and Compliance

  • Cost Management

  • Testing and Validation

  • Backup and Disaster Recovery



Embrace the power of containerization for enhanced scalability and efficiency. Our expertise in Docker, Kubernetes, and other container technologies revolutionizes how you deploy and manage applications in the cloud.

  • Selecting Containerization Technology

  • Containerizing Applications

  • Container Orchestration

  • Creating Docker Compose Files

  • Monitoring and Logging

  • Security and Compliance


Cloud Architecture Design

Our services involve planning, creating, and optimizing the architectural framework. We design cloud architectures that are robust, scalable, and secure. Our designs are tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.

Cloud Architecture Design
  • Cloud Needs Assessment

  • Cloud Service Model Selection

  • Cloud Architecture Design

  • Resource Allocation and Sizing

  • Data Management Strategy

  • Networking Architecture Design



Accelerate your software delivery with our DevOps solutions. We integrate development and operations for a smoother, more efficient workflow, enhancing collaboration and speeding up time-to-market.

  • Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Continuous Delivery (CD)

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Containerization and Orchestration

  • Version Control

  • Monitoring and Logging



Security is at the forefront of our DevOps approach. Our DevSecOps practices integrate security into every phase of software development, ensuring your applications are secure from the ground up.

  • Security Assessment and Analysis

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)

  • Dependency Scanning

  • Container Security

  • Vulnerability Remediation


Cloud Monitoring & Management

Our comprehensive monitoring and management services ensure your cloud infrastructure performs at its best. We provide real-time insights, proactive issue resolution, and continuous optimization to keep your cloud environment healthy and efficient.

Cloud Monitoring & Management
  • Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Management

  • Resource Monitoring

  • Cost Management

  • Performance Monitoring

  • Security Monitoring

  • Automated Scaling and Orchestration

  • Log Management


Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

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Cloud Service Model

Our strategic approach and years of expertise in analyzing the cloud service models, empower us to pick the right model for enterprises that align best with your business objectives and ensure unparalleled performance in your digital ecosystem.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Hidden Brains' IaaS service model, allows enterprises to scale up their IT infrastructure by delivering unmatched virtualized computing resources. Our advanced infrastructure solutions offer scalable servers, storage, and networking on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Start your enterprise's digital transformation journey with our cutting-edge PaaS solutions. Hidden Brains PaaS service model streamlines application development, deployment, and management processes by offering a tailored environment equipped with advanced tools and services.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Our enterprise-grade SaaS offerings eliminate traditional software deployment hassles and provide scalable, cost-effective, and secure solutions. We empower your business to thrive as we take charge of maintenance, updates, and security, allowing your team to focus solely on leveraging the full potential of our advanced software suite.

Cloud Deployment Models

Choosing the right cloud deployment model is an overwhelming task, so here we come into the role and help enterprises pick the right cloud deployment model that perfectly fits their business needs.
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Our public cloud deployment approach signifies a strategic shift, where businesses exchange exclusive software ownership for streamlined multi-tenancy, reducing management efforts while maximizing efficiency and scalability.

We advised a private cloud deployment model when safeguarding autonomy and compliance are paramount for enterprises. This deployment model is more like an on-premises-based cloud deployment model.

Hybrid Cloud adoption is guided for enterprises seeking the agility of the public cloud alongside required full control over critical workflows and on-premises data, ensuring a harmonious balance of flexibility and security.

At Hidden Brains, our cloud computing consulting expertise guides enterprises in navigating intricate cloud ecosystems, seamlessly managing diverse deployment models and solutions for optimal efficiency and success.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

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Transform Your Business with Hidden Brains Data Engineering Expertise! #1 in Innovation, Security, and Results

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Key Statistics Showcasing the Growth of Cloud Infrastructure Services

Here are some compelling statistics and insights from 2023, underlining why businesses are increasingly turning towards cloud solutions:

(IaaS) segment

The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) segment is forecasted to grow by 30% in 2024.


Enterprises spent

Enterprises spent approximately $64 billion on cloud infrastructure services in the first quarter of 2023. (last 10 years)


Plan To Migrate

About 48% of businesses plan to migrate at least half of their applications to the cloud within the next year.


A Survey by Deloitte

A survey by Deloitte revealed that small and medium businesses leveraging cloud computing made 21% more profit and experienced 26% faster growth


Global spending

Global spending on public cloud services is set to grow 21% to $592 billion in 2023, with the market expected to reach $1.614 trillion by 2030.


(IaaS) segment

The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) segment is forecasted to grow by 30% in 2024.


Enterprises spent

Enterprises spent approximately $64 billion on cloud infrastructure services in the first quarter of 2023. (last 10 years)


Plan To Migrate

About 48% of businesses plan to migrate at least half of their applications to the cloud within the next year.


A Survey by Deloitte

A survey by Deloitte revealed that small and medium businesses leveraging cloud computing made 21% more profit and experienced 26% faster growth


Global spending

Global spending on public cloud services is set to grow 21% to $592 billion in 2023, with the market expected to reach $1.614 trillion by 2030.


(IaaS) segment

The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) segment is forecasted to grow by 30% in 2024.


Enterprises spent

Enterprises spent approximately $64 billion on cloud infrastructure services in the first quarter of 2023. (last 10 years)


Plan To Migrate

About 48% of businesses plan to migrate at least half of their applications to the cloud within the next year.


Leveraging Cutting-Edge Tools in Our Cloud Services

At Hidden Brains, we believe in harnessing the power of the best tools in the industry to deliver superior cloud solutions. Each of our services is empowered by a suite of advanced tools, ensuring we stay ahead in the fast-evolving cloud technology landscape. Here's a glimpse into the tools that fuel our expertise:
  • Gartner Magic
    Quadrant Reports
    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
    For market insights and trends.
  • Trello &
    For project management and collaboration
  • Tableau &
    Power BI
    For data visualization and analysis
  • AWS Migration Hub &
    Azure Migrate
    For seamless migration planning and tracking.
  • CloudEndure &
    For real-time replication and migration.
  • Terraform &
    For infrastructure as code and automation
  • Docker &
    For container orchestration and management.
  • Helm &
    For simplifying Kubernetes deployments.
  • Portainer
    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
    For easy container management.
  • AWS Well-Architected Tool &
    Azure Advisor
    For architecture best practices.
  • Visio &
    For diagramming and visual documentation
  • Ansible &
    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
    For configuration management.
  • Nagios &
    For monitoring and alerting.
  • Jenkins &
    GitLab CI/CD
    For continuous integration and delivery.
  • JIRA &
    For project tracking and documentation.
  • SonarQube &
    For code quality and security scanning.
  • Aqua Security &
    Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
    For container and cloud-native security
  • Puppet &
    For automated security enforcement
  • New Relic &
    For performance monitoring and operational intelligence
  • PagerDuty &
    For incident response and alerting
  • Grafana &
    For metrics visualization and alerting

Our Process Your Pathway to Cloud Success with Hidden Brains

At Hidden Brains, we follow a meticulously designed process to ensure that our cloud infrastructure services not only meet but exceed your expectations. Here is our step-by-step approach to navigating your cloud journey:

  • Understanding your business goals, challenges, and expectations.

  • Analyzing your current infrastructure and identifying potential areas for cloud integration.


  • Crafting a tailored cloud strategy that aligns with your specific business needs.

  • Identifying the right mix of cloud services and tools to be utilized.

  • Designing a scalable and robust cloud architecture.

  • Ensuring compliance, security, and performance considerations are integrated from the start.

  • Migrating data and applications to the cloud environment.

  • Implementing the designed cloud architecture with minimal disruption.


  • Conducting thorough testing to ensure smooth operation.

  • Optimizing performance and costs for maximum efficiency.


  • Implementing robust security measures and ensuring compliance with relevant standards.

  • Regularly reviewing and updating security protocols.


  • Providing training to your team for effective management of the cloud infrastructure.

  • Handing over the control with detailed documentation and guidelines.


  • Offering continuous monitoring and management services.

  • Providing support for updates, scaling, and troubleshooting.


  • Regularly reviewing the infrastructure's performance.

  • Soliciting feedback for continuous improvement.


Commitment to Compliance: Building Trust with Every Step

At Hidden Brains, we understand the critical importance of compliance in establishing and maintaining trust with our clients. Our adherence to internationally recognized standards and regulations ensures that our cloud infrastructure services are not only top-notch but also secure and compliant. Here are some key compliances we follow:

ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management

We adhere to this global standard to ensure the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details, and information entrusted by third parties.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Complying with GDPR, we ensure the protection and privacy of personal data for individuals within the European Union and the European Economic Area.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

For clients in the healthcare sector, we ensure compliance with HIPAA to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

We adhere to PCI DSS requirements for all entities that store, process, or transmit cardholder data, ensuring secure and trustworthy payment card transactions.

SOC 2 Type II Compliance

Our services meet the SOC 2 standards for managing customer data based on five "trust service principles"—security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)

For clients working with U.S. government agencies, we ensure compliance with FedRAMP, which provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization, and continuous monitoring for cloud products and services.

Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Best Practices

By adhering to CSA's best practices, we demonstrate our commitment to securing cloud computing environments and ensuring a secure cloud architecture.

Case Studies

As a top custom software development company, We help businesses navigate the digital transformation
Legacy System Modernisation for Insurtech

Enhancing Layr's competitiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in the commercial liability insurance market.

Legacy System Modernisation for Insurtech
Home Diagnostics: Revolutionizing Patient Care

seamless process of scheduling, conducting tests, and receiving expert-reviewed reports, eliminating the need for long waits at hospitals. This innovative solution sets a new standard in patient-centric healthcare.

Home Diagnostics: Revolutionizing Patient Care
Empowering E-commerce excellence: migration to magento enterprise

Scosche, a top consumer tech brand, enhances its online presence by smoothly upgrading to Magento 2 EE and Magento Cloud server from AWS.

Empowering E-commerce excellence: migration to magento enterprise
Transforming Edtech with Video Learning and Exam Prep platform

ATP STAR revolutionized Indian education with on-demand video learning, live classes, and exam-specific test papers, enhancing student engagement and success.

Transforming Edtech with Video Learning and Exam Prep platform
Legacy System Modernisation for Insurtech

Enhancing Layr's competitiveness, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in the commercial liability insurance market.

Legacy System Modernisation for Insurtech
Home Diagnostics: Revolutionizing Patient Care

seamless process of scheduling, conducting tests, and receiving expert-reviewed reports, eliminating the need for long waits at hospitals. This innovative solution sets a new standard in patient-centric healthcare.

Home Diagnostics: Revolutionizing Patient Care
Empowering E-commerce excellence: migration to magento enterprise

Scosche, a top consumer tech brand, enhances its online presence by smoothly upgrading to Magento 2 EE and Magento Cloud server from AWS.

Empowering E-commerce excellence: migration to magento enterprise
Transforming Edtech with Video Learning and Exam Prep platform

ATP STAR revolutionized Indian education with on-demand video learning, live classes, and exam-specific test papers, enhancing student engagement and success.

Transforming Edtech with Video Learning and Exam Prep platform

Empowering Diverse Industries with Tailored Cloud Solutions

At Hidden Brains, we pride ourselves on delivering cloud infrastructure services that cater to the unique needs of diverse industries. Our expertise enables us to craft solutions that not only address industry-specific challenges but also drive growth and innovation. Here’s how we empower different sectors:


happy clients

Commendation received from Mr. Talal Benlahsen

Working with Hidden Brains was an amazing adventure and thanks to them I could see my projects coming to reality I can simply say that they were reliable and could understand the business. It's a company I would rely on for my future projects.

Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Talal Benlahsen TestimonialVideo
Commendation received from Mr. Chris Folayan

Meet Chris Folayan, the visionary Founder of OCFX INC, a California-based powerhouse that has left an indelible mark on the business landscape. With a portfolio of accolades and awards, Chris embodies excellence as an entrepreneur. Beyond the boardroom, he's a celebrated author, a guiding mentor, and an inspiring speaker. As a CEO, Board Advisor, and Consultant, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to the table, shaping the future of organizations. Explore his remarkable journey with Hidden Brains.

Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Chris Folayan TestimonialVideo
Commendation received from Mr. Michael Amaldhas

It’s been an awesome experience working with Hidden Brains for many years on B2B and B2C application development. It’s great to work with such a talented, dedicated and hardworking team, we value our Partnership with Hidden Brains. I wish them all best!!

Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial Video
Commendation received from Mr. Anthony Nowlan

Meet Anthony Nowlan, the creative mind behind groundbreaking innovations in the world of jewelry technology. Hailing from the vibrant Queensland, Australia, Anthony is the Director at Evotech Pacific. He is a qualified bench jeweler & gemologist. His expertise lies in revolutionizing the jewelry industry through cutting-edge technology, with a strong focus on CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) and Rapid Prototyping. As a true Jewelry Technology Innovator, Anthony's work not only dazzles but also reshapes the way we think about jewelry craftsmanship.

Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial Video
Commendation received from Mr. Talal Benlahsen

Working with Hidden Brains was an amazing adventure and thanks to them I could see my projects coming to reality I can simply say that they were reliable and could understand the business. It's a company I would rely on for my future projects.

Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Talal Benlahsen TestimonialVideo
Commendation received from Mr. Chris Folayan

Meet Chris Folayan, the visionary Founder of OCFX INC, a California-based powerhouse that has left an indelible mark on the business landscape. With a portfolio of accolades and awards, Chris embodies excellence as an entrepreneur. Beyond the boardroom, he's a celebrated author, a guiding mentor, and an inspiring speaker. As a CEO, Board Advisor, and Consultant, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to the table, shaping the future of organizations. Explore his remarkable journey with Hidden Brains.

Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Chris Folayan TestimonialVideo

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Still have Questions?

Your Queries, Our Answers: Transparent Communication at Hidden Brains

Cloud-based services mainly refer to computing resources and applications that are managed and delivered over the Internet. The biggest benefit of migrating your business to a cloud platform is it reduces the cost of IT infrastructure, ensuring easy scalability, robust governance, and control over resources.

The choice between various cloud deployment models including public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud depends upon your enterprise requirements, security concerns, scalability needs, and compliance requirements. Our expert tech team can help access the business objectives to make an optimal choice.

Yes, we not only move your setup physically to cloud platforms but also take responsibility for migrating existing data to cloud platforms' security, minimizing downtime, and ensuring data integrity throughout the process.

Getting started with cloud architecture design service is simple at Hidden Brains. Just connect with our tech team, they will guide you through the process of assessing your needs, propose solutions, and initiate a flawless transition to cloud services.

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